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Support Center

Our frequently asked questions service offers answers to common questions. If you don't find an answer, please contact our customer support and a representative will be able to assist you.


What is the Expedia Hyperwallet Refund Dashboard and why am I being contacted?
The Expedia Hyperwallet Refund Dashboard is an online dashboard that enables Expedia customers to claim and manage their refunds through our payment provider, Hyperwallet. 

Hyperwallet is contacting you because Expedia wants to send you a refund through the Expedia Hyperwallet Refund Dashboard.
How do I claim my Expedia refund?
Follow the link in the email notifying you of your pending refund. You will be taken to the Expedia Hyperwallet Refund Dashboard, where you will be asked to enter your bank account information so that you can claim your refund.

Once you have claimed your refund, it will be transferred to your registered bank account. This can take up to 5 business days, depending on the country your bank account is located in.

We recommend that you complete the Expedia Hyperwallet Refund Dashboard account registration, which allows you to save your banking details for future refunds and track the status of your refund.

Withdrawing Funds

Once I have activated an Expedia Hyperwallet Refund Dashboard account and set a transfer method, am I able to change it?
Yes. If you choose to activate an Expedia Hyperwallet Refund Dashboard account after you have claimed your refund, you can use the email and password that you provided during account activation to access your Expedia Hyperwallet Refund Dashboard.

Within the Expedia Hyperwallet Refund Dashboard, you can change your default bank account by navigating to the Transfer Center. In the Transfer Center, select  Change Default Transfer Method  to add a new bank account. The most recently added bank account will automatically become the default transfer account. 

If you have more than one registered bank account and would like to change the default transfer account, select the Action dropdown beside your preferred account in the Transfer Center, then select  Set As Default.
How long does it take for me to receive a refund once I’ve provided my bank account information?
Fund transfers typically take between 1-4 business days to complete.
What bank account information is needed to complete a fund transfer?

For Thai bank accounts, you will need to provide the following:

  • Bank Name
  • Account Number

For Malaysian bank accounts, you will need to provide the following:

  • Bank Identifier Code (BIC)
  • Account Number

What is a Bank Identifier Code (BIC) and where do I find it?
A BIC is an international code that identifies banks worldwide. It is required to complete most fund transfers and contains between 8 and 11 digits. Please contact to your bank branch to find its unique BIC.
How will I know when I have a refund pending with Expedia Hyperwallet Refund Dashboard?
Each time you receive a refund, you will receive an email from
What happens when I do not claim the refund?
You will receive an email periodically to remind you to claim your refund. If the refund is not claimed within 90 days, it will expire and the funds will no longer be available.

Account Management

Why am I being asked to activate an Expedia Hyperwallet Refund Dashboard account?
Activating an account allows you to save your banking information within the Expedia Hyperwallet Refund Dashboard. When you receive a refund from Expedia in the future, your funds will automatically be delivered to the bank account on file.
Do I need to activate an Expedia Hyperwallet Refund Dashboard account to receive my refund?
No, you do not need to activate an Expedia Hyperwallet Refund Dashboard account to receive your refund. Account activation is an entirely optional step after you have claimed your refund.
How do I complete Expedia Hyperwallet Refund Dashboard account activation?
After you have successfully claimed your refund, you will be presented with the option to complete your Expedia Hyperwallet Refund Dashboard account activation. Follow the step-by-step process to provide the required information and activate your account.
Why does Expedia Hyperwallet Refund Dashboard need my personal information?
Many banks require this information in order to complete fund transfers. Expedia will also use personal information to help verify your identity online, providing an additional layer of security for your Expedia Hyperwallet Refund Dashboard account and funds.

Customer Support

How do I contact Expedia Hyperwallet Refund Dashboard’s customer support?
For complete contact information, please see our Contact page.
I forgot my Expedia Hyperwallet Refund Dashboard password. What should I do?

If you have forgotten your password, please follow the link below and enter the email address corresponding to your Expedia Hyperwallet Refund Dashboard account. You will receive an email containing a link allowing you to reset your password. Before setting a new password, you will be required to answer your security questions.

I've forgotten my password.

If you do not receive your password recovery email, or if you are unable to answer your security questions, please contact us.


What is Hyperwallet?

Hyperwallet is a global payout provider that offers payees a frictionless, transparent, and reliable way to manage and collect their earnings almost anywhere in the world. Trusted by millions of independent workers and earners, Hyperwallet puts you in control of your funds with a range of convenient payout methods, enhanced financial management tools, and comprehensive support. You can learn more at

Contact us:


For assistance, please contact Expedia at the following numbers:

  • Expedia Thailand: 02 105 5728
  • Expedia Malaysia: +603 7724 9556


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